Want some indoor PLUS outdoor play?

Join us for a full day (9 am - 3 pm). The morning is spent indoors enjoying a wide range of games played while maintaining social distance. The afternoon is spent active gaming in Prospect Park. Dress the kids warmly!

Our Lab is equipped with top-of-the-line air filtration systems, and all staff and kids participate in health checks. And, of course, all must wear masks! Equipment, game pieces, etc are sanitized through out the day.

Late pick up hours (3 - 5 pm) available.

Prefer just outdoor play?

Have your kids join us for a ton of in person park-friendly games and activities to keep active and engaged from 12 pm - 3 pm.

Park play features active games like *Battle Lab* where kids enjoy props and safe, foam weapons. They create memorable characters, level up with powers and skills, and join in an active battle or embark on a creative quest!

We also play a wide variety of active games to keep the kids moving while enjoying the outdoors.

Safety is our primary concern, so all games are played while social distancing. Just like indoors, staff and kids must wear masks and are screened for health!

In addition, we have a strict small-group format. Children are assigned to small groups that play together for the day (without contact between groups). Read more about our COVID PLAN.

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